In The Danish Wildlife Photographer Association annual photographer of the year competition 2016 I’m very pleased and proud to have 2 pictures placed as number 3 in the categories “Other animals” and “Insects and arachnids”.
It is my first time in the competition and after only having photographed animals and nature for about 2 years I’m even more pleased. I’m ranked as number 11 in total.
3. place in the category “Other animals”
The picture is taken in Sri Lanka where we were out on a night tour. The little snake was one the animals we found. I do not know the exact spicies.
3. place in the category “Insects and arachnids”
The butterfly is from Nepal. It is called a “Common Tiger”. Ironic in a way. We were sitting waiting for the tigers to appear (with they didn’t). In the waiting time this little thing came and sat down on a straw in front of us. So in a way I did see “the tiger” the common one…
The results can be found here.